
10 REASONS to LEARN Russian that will keep you motivated

If you have some interest in Russia or Russian language, but you are afraid of the difficult grammar and impossible tongue twisting words, have a look at the following reasons why it is worth to learn Russian and keep up your motivation to overcome all difficulties.

The 5th most spoken language in the world 

Russian is the 5th most spoken language in the world by total number of speakers and the 8th by number of native speakers. It is one of the six official languages of the United Nations.
Russian is also one of the official languages in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. It is unofficial but widely spoken in Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Ukraine. Many people from the countries of the former USSR speak Russian.  

It is a myth that Russian is one of the most difficult languages 

If you google "most difficult languages" you will not find Russian even in the top of 25! It is true that endings of the words and cases can be very confusing. On the other hand, there are only three tenses. If you study hard, you can start speaking the basic every-day Russian already in a couple of months.

New business opportunities 

Trading in or with Russia can create new possibilities for your work or your business. There is no way you can build connections with Russian businessmen, authorities and companies without speaking the language.

Traveling in Russia with comfort 

If you are planning to discover Russia as a traveller, it will be very useful to speak some Russian as you need to read street names in Cyrillic and all train announcements are made only in Russian.
Russia is the world's largest country, but if you speak Russian you will be able to talk to and to understand people from Europe to the Pacific Ocean. There can be some differences in pronunciation and vocabulary, but in most of the cases you will understand everything.

Understand other languages 

Russian belongs to the East Slavic branch of the Slavic languages. Knowing Russian will help you understand Belarussian and Ukrainian on a basic level as well as some PolishCzechSlovakBulgarianSerbianCroatianBosnian or Slovenian.

You don't need to learn that many words 

The Russian language has about 500,000 words, but in order to speak in every-day life you will use only 2,000-2,500. And even better news is that the 100 most frequently used words make up 20% of all written and oral language. 

The 2nd most used language on the Internet 

If your work or business is very internet-dependent, you should really consider having your website translated into Russian and starting to learn Russian, in order to connect with Russian speaking customers. It is also not a secret that you can find a lot of free “things” on Russian websites (films, music, lessons, books, software etc. that are not necessarily illegal to download)

The key to building relationships with a Russian

It is all over the Internet that Russian ladies are looking for boyfriends and husbands! And it is true. If you already have a  relationship or you would like to have one, start learning Russian today. Even if the girl speaks a foreign language, in 99,9% of the cases her family doesn’t. As Russian families are overprotective, it will be hard to build relationships with a lady without being approved by the family and friends. Without any doubt, speaking some Russian will help you gain their trust and respect.

Read famous books in their original language

Knowing Russian will allow you enjoy all the richness and original language of famous books by Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Pushkin and other famous Russian writers.

It is an “international language of space”

If you want to be an astronaut, you will have to learn Russian, as it is an obligation and a requirement of NASA, ESA and all Space Agencies.

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