
Russian language certificates: which one do YOU need

This post is about finding out which Russian language proficiency certificate you should aim for, depending on your needs. 
Recently Russia has changed some laws and requirements about the required knowledge of the language tin order to get a permit of stay and work. On the Internet you can find various names and confusing abbreviations of tests of Russian as a foreign language. This should help you to make sense of the most important ones.

There are 3 main types of exams:
    TORFL (The Test of Russian as a Foreign Language) / ТРКИ (тесты по русскому языку как иностранному)
    Basics knowledge test of Russian language, history and legal system  / Комплексный экзамен по русскому языку, истории и основам законодательства России.
    The exam required for Russian Citizenship / Экзамен по приему в гражданство РФ.

Let's have a closer look at all of them.


This test was designed as part of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

You need it if…
…you want to study in a Russian university (Level Intermediate – to enter a university and level Advanced and higher to receive a bachelor/master degree),
…you want to participate professionally in philology, translation and interpreting, editing, journalism, diplomatic service and management in a Russian speaking environment (Level Proficiency).
…you want to Receive a Master of Arts degree in philology, undertake all forms of work in Russian philology.

Some useful links
Detailed discription of every level http://russian-test.com/eng/tests/torfl

Basics knowledge test of Russian language, history and legal system

This is the most recently developed test that is mandatory in accordance to the new migration policies.

You need it if you want to acquire
…work permit / work patent (разрешение на работу в РФ / патент)
…temprorary residence permit (разрешение на временное проживание в РФ)
…permanent residence permit (вид на жительство)

Some useful links

The exam for Russian Citizenship

The name speaks for itself :-)

Some useful links

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